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Get Motivated

You've got rights as a Canadian citizen. Head to the polls to effect change and exercise your rights and duties. 

"If you don't vote, you are invisible"

Milton Glaser, an unstoppable designer at 86, speaks about his motivations behind his winning poster design. In this interview, he talks to Bloomberg abouts motivation, design and sheds light on his philosophy of learning about the world through art. Most importantly, he reminds us that now more than ever we must vote. We must prove we exist.

“Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”

- Abraham Lincoln

"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote".

Studies show time and time again, that the young voter demographic changes the election outcome drastically, whether they vote or not. In 2011, the Conservative Party of Canada won a majority government. Fewer than 40 percent of eligible voters between 19 - 24 voted. Pollster Nik Nanos has determined that if even 60 percent of those young voters made it to the polls, the Conservatives wouldn't have won a majority. 

Election Readiness Toolkit

Voting is related to issues you care about. You are always impacted by the government. This quick video from Apathy is Boring helps make those connections clear and describes how voting in Canada works. 

Day in the Life Quiz


Not sure how levels of government affect your daily life? This quiz by Apathy is Boring makes it all clear. From the biggest to the smallest aspects of life, the government plays a big role. 

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